Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bangkok Experience (Part3)

Everybody wakes up early. We have to check out by 1200hr today but still there were quite a number of activities to fulfill. I made breakfast of sardine sandwich. At 0900hr, the boys and Angah headed for the pool. I was left in the room to finish packing up. At 1015hr I made my way to the pool with a book. I planned to have some foot massage. So there I was for the next one hour in bliss. The massage was so good and dozed to sleep a few times. Angah brought the kids back from the pool to the room and by the time I arrived back they were ready and eating whatever leftovers mostly fruits and biscuits from the fridge.

Except for Danish, everyone else dozed off in the taxi on our way to the airport. Spent about 45mins at the duty free shop buying some snacks to finish up baht. The detour to to all these shops had brought us to the far end of the airport wing whereas our gate was at the other end. To make matter worst, I suddenly felt hungry and don't feel like eating AirAsia's instant noodle. So I bought about 5 pieces of sushi which i finished in less than 10 minutes in front of my awed family members. None of them can comprehend my keen towards Japanese food or rather raw food. The boys went eewww..when they saw me dip the sushi into the soya sauce and purposely exaggerating my chewing to demonstrate how deliciously it is. Hi!hi!

Then the running start. We walked + ran from one end to another and reached our gate. Thought we were late but still not many people were there yet. We reached KL safely. The airport taxi's driver put the radio so loud but still all of us slept like a log until we reached home. I suspect he is somehow a bit deaf bcos he spoke very loud. Danial only woke up the next day.

So that's conclude our Bangkok trip. Thou' we faced a few hurdles here and there in terms of halal food and language, but overall it was a pleasant trip.

Must go back.

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