Sunday, June 24, 2007

Girls just wanna have fun

Felt a bit dizzy this morning. I guess it’s the combination of good food or rather too much good food last nite. Had a buffet dinner with a friend who came down for her semester break from Perth. The rest of us, managed to beat the after office hours traffic and reached Dorsett Regency within the designated time. The guest of honor was already there. My appetizer were oysters. I ate total of six oysters (yummy) but not all at one go!! The restaurant was having Thai cuisine promotion. Strange but all of us missed or rather didn’t notice the absence of the must eat Thai delicacy which is Tom Yam. None of us had it. Most of the evening was spent talking, laughing and reminiscing. All five of us gals had fun. Till the waiter had to come up to tell us that it’s 1030pm and they have to pack up.

We were safely in the car when the down pour started. And it really poured. However we were lucky bcos we weren’t stuck in a jam or anything. I reached home about 1130pm.

Again I suspected I had too much to eat last nite or maybe too much sugar. So I dragged myself out of bed this morning, wore my sweat pants and went for my weekly jog/run/walk ton. Not until about 1100am that the dizziness slowly eased away.

Angah is still in Kuching. He’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. I was a single parent for the whole of this week. Tomorrow Danial is having his first ever Sport Day. He’s in the blue team. The venue is at the BK3 field. I have no idea where that is. Guess I have to go early tomorrow to locate the place. I am a real genius when it comes to route and such (yeah right). I need all the luck I can have to locate the field, hopefully on time.

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