Saturday, June 23, 2007

Female Intelligence

I finished reading a book entitled the above by Jane Heller just now. The book was about a woman teaching man to talk in ‘Woman Language’. Truth be told, in the beginning I didn’t enjoy the book but it did get better towards the end. There was a part in the story where the ‘main male character’ lost his trust towards his girlfriend (the leading female) thru no fault of hers. No matter what she said or try to explain, he wouldn’t believe her. I found that really sad and I don’t know why bcos suddenly there I was crying. But of cos’ this is common to me I must say. Well so much of not reading depressing book in order not to cry. Even light and cliché lines can drive me to tears *sigh*

Well the book has it funny moments too. Like this one -when the guy was asked to buy a gift for his secretary as a practical training to express himself using the taught method aka Wyman's method. The guy said to the sales girl(with his personal coach cum Doctor cum future girlfriend observing him) "I'd like to see the sweater in a yellow. But not a screaming, school bus yellow. I'd prefer a softer, lemony yellow for my dear, tender-hearted secretary, more of a pastel shade actually. Pastel are lovely for summer, don't you agree? Especially pastel yellow. It's sort of sunshiny soul provider" (referring to Michael Bolton 'Soul Provider' song). I had to laugh. Do we women actually speaks like that? Maybe we the fairer sex are more expressive in our daily communication that we are sometimes mistakenly labelled as talking too much or worse -nagging (so much of being on attentive, hah!)

Anyways I’m happy to report that I already took out a new title from my collection of ‘yet to read’ books. Till the next book.

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