Monday, February 11, 2008

Connection, where have you been?

I've been neglecting my blog lately, not intentionally I swear! It has been 8 days since my last post *sigh* I tell you why:
  1. Streamyx (internet provider) is so slow sometimes to the point of non-existence (I need to log in 4 times to update this one!)
  2. See reason number 1
  3. Mon & Tues are my K-drama days which last till 2215hr and again if internet is slow -see reason 1 & 2 again, I might as well ... zzzz
  4. Been falling asleep early lately by 2300hr -I'm dead asleep, too tired at work
  5. It was Chinese New Year, 4 days of great long holidays which was spend 'balik kampong' (visit hometowns), obviously I have to search for free wi-fi if I want to log in

So there you have it. But the good thing is I now have plenty of stories and pics to share ... provided my internet is up!

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