Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's finally over

Happy Belated Lovey-Dovey Day everyone. No I didnt receive the above bouquet for Valentines. It was given to me last year by my hubby for our 10th wedding anniversary and has been sitting on my office desk eversince. Feb 14 was uneventful for me since I had to prepare for my not worse but pretty bad nightmare - the presentation.
So I slept at 0300hr, re-doing all the slides since I just received the presentation materials from a group member in Kuching during office hour on Thurs but was too busy to open the email then. Woke up about 2 hrs later at 0540hr to prepare my son for his school.

Went to work early to use the office printer to print some points out. A colleague from another group wants to carpool since she dont know the way to the training center in Wisma Penyayang and she was late. And now, both of us will be late. Turned out she had a stomach upset since early morning due to too much good food courtesy of her valentine's dinner the night before.

So we were rushing with me on the steering wheel and I made the wrong turn! Great, what's next? We end up on the highway instead. But I wasnt too worry since I sort of know the way to get there but it's just that it means I'm going to be more late.

When we arrived, I realise I had left my thumb drive back at the office and my laptop's battery at home. Managed to get the secretary to find my thumbdrive, locate my file and emailed my presentation slides. My laptop's died on me half way before it was my turn to present but I've already managed to save it on the trainer's notebook. I wasn't nervous or anything not until the last 10 minutes or so before my turn. But the crowd made me feel as if I was Joan of Arc - the group's saviour. Maybe bcos the fact that I was alone from my group, so they clapped and cheered, maybe out of sympathy. I dont know. The Q&A session wasn't that bad either. When it was over, I realised that I havent been to the loo since morning. Result is still not out yet, somewhere around next month I think. Anyways, I dont think it matter to me anymore. I am just so glad it's over. The end of my 3 months long training module. Adios.

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