Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Ice Cream Maker

This book belongs to my husband. He has it almost a year already and didnt even pass page 11. It's not a thick book so I intend to finish it. I had enough of fiction. Anyways I received a not so good news today. 3 out of 4 members in my on-going training group cannot make it for the final round of our assignment which is the presentation on this coming Friday (less than 2 days). The person whom suppose to do the presentation has to attend a regional conference in Chiengmai and HR said they can't postpone the date anymore. The last member is me. Now it seems that I have to do the presentation to the selected panels on my own!! Okay I am now officially panicking.


Kerry Droll said...

Hang in there and go impress the daylights out of them with your presentation.

GMG said...

Hi Leo, I’m back after a short break… and TGIF, you surely made a nice presentation!
Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter.
Have a great weekend!

leo said...

kerry- thanks for the kind wish but it's more like it scared the daylights out of me!!! am glad it's over. hope u had a good valentine's day.

gil-you lucky man! which part of the world were you returning from this time? keep the good pics coming in. happy weekend.