Monday, July 28, 2008

Sex and the City

Unless you are a fan of the series or any of its characters, it's quite hard to finish the movie. But for a disillusionist of reality, fan of everything beautiful and romantic sucker like me, I can tolerate the 2.5hr long of beautiful people, fashionable clothes, branded shoes and handbags and best of all friendship. I watched the DVD with my hubby and would you believe it ... cried several times! Amongst all, what I love about the movie, be it shallow or not is the strong bond between these four women. Althou' I must confess that I can relate to 'just give me a big closet' LOL but of cos the content is not necessarily be as lavish as Carrie's (but a girl can dream right?) ^_^

Nevertheless, unlike fashion, friendship never goes out of style. I second that anytime.


GMG said...

Hi Leo!
Sorry for the absence these last weeks, but unfortunately it wasn’t due to some summer holidays… ;))
Thanks for your comments on Blogtrotter, now at the MoMA for Art and New York lovers! Hope you enjoy and wish you a great week! I’ll try to get back here to enjoy your interesting posts with some more time during the week!

Kerry Droll said...

I'll have to get around to seeing it one of these days. For whatever reason, when a movie is hyped to death in the media, it makes me not excited to see it. I LOVE Chris Noth though so I'm sure I'll see this one sooner than later. Have a great one!!