Sunday, August 31, 2008

Beyond the sea by Robbie Williams

I'm so embarassed to confess that I've just only ... watched Finding Nemo. I know, I know!! But the thing is I always thought I 've seen the movie before. Hmm .. Anyways, more importantly I heard this song at the end of the movie and being a fan of oldies, it didnt go unnoticed. Somehow the song sound very familiar? Then it dawned on me that I have the French version of it in my mobile phone. The one called La Mer. It was a double thrill for me when I learned that the movie version was sang by Robbie. Oh, this is such a catchy tune and a wonderful song. Do listen to it. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fridge magnet (83) - Chicago

A friend who was an ex-colleague recently got back from Chicago for a training. She shared many of her photos with me by emailing it to me after several attempts asking me to join Facebook failed lol. One of the photo showing she and several new colleagues riding a Hummer limo!!! Huge thing!
We were suppose to meet up for coffee but just couldnt find the time or rather ... I was the one who couldnt find the right time. Anyways she met another colleague of mine and passed me the little souvenir she got for me. Oooh I like it very much. Now I really feel bad for not being able to receive it personally from her.
Thank you dear (yes, I know I owe you coffee)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A day at MAHA 2008

The whole family went to MAHA 2008 yesterday. It's short for Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and AgroTourism Show 2008. My goodness, the exhibition was hugeee!! We didnt cover the whole place of cos. But we did took the tram twice which managed to cover all the different locations. Nevertheless, the place was still crowded with millions of other people since it was the last day of the expo. On top of that, it was really a HOT day. So walking, even a short distant proved to be very difficult for all the males in my family including hubby. We just missed the Rodeo show at
1100, where they had Aussie cowboys showing off their skills.

My intention to the expo was to introduced some of the different breed of livestocks to my urban living boys. True enough, my boys were like seeing exotic animals in the zoo for the first time even thou it were only cattle and goats. My eldest saw a bull and asked me, 'ma what's that huge thing hanging out from the bull'? what's else would it be, I asked him?? its testicles of cos! and his mouth formed this huge O in disbelief. I had a fun time explaining the different breed of cattle and where it originated from compare to our local breed.

We were rushing to buy some fruits towards our exit, when the wind became stronger. We didnt made it to the parking lot when a heavy downpour started. We took cover at one of the stall selling fried currypuffs. 25 minutes later, almost soaking wet, we managed to made our way to the car.

Althou' my husband doesnt share the same enthusiasm, but I'm glad the boys learnt about the livestocks. It was indeed tiring but to me it was worth it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Memory Keepers Daughter - Kim Edwards

I finally finished reading this book. And it was so painfully hard. Until now, I still couldnt pin point why I dont like the book. I mean most of its reviews said otherwise. I tried to be open to what is it that makes the book so appealing to many readers. Tried to sympatise with at least one of the main characters Dr Henry or Norah or Christine and even Paul. Each of them with their own 'little' secrets. But alas, I can't. I simply don't enjoy the book. Period.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Breakfast at the beach

My family returned from our short vacation to our hometown yesterday night. I slept thruout the journey and poor hubby drived all the way. I didnt do much of anything during this short break especially 2 days towards the end at my parents place. On Monday it rained the whole day starting from 03:00am and lasted till 4:00pm in the afternoon. So all I did was read my book, watch the Olympics and sleep. On Tuesday our last day, the boys were pestering us to take them to the Kuala Senangin beach at my parents place so we decided to have breakfast there. So I packed the food plus we stopped at one of these very small shop or gerai known in Malay to buy more home cooked food and off we went. Kuala Senangin at present is still very much a sleepy fisherman beach. Being a weekday, we had the beach almost entirely to ourselves. The boys had so much fun. At first, we dont allow them to swim, just play with the sand but they somehow get themselves wet and at the end -why bother saying no?!?

After 4 lazy days I had to drag myself to go to work today :-(

Saturday, August 16, 2008

HSM Ice Tour

Received complimentary tickets from Disney to see High School Musical Ice Tour last night. Being the last school day before the mid semester break starts, so my kids were very excited. Althou my eldest actually thot he got to see the actual casts and I had to explain to him, what's this show all about and who are the actors. Nevertheless we enjoyed it very much. Even hubby who was very reluctant to go initially but at the end it looked like we the adults enjoyed it most!! ^_^ Thou hubby actually wants to see Vanessa Hudgens and me Zac Efron lol.

We are bringing the boys to visit their grandparents from both sides for the next 4 days to come. I'm taking this chance to unwind. Maybe catch up on the Olympic games. My cough has developed full scale now. Coughing like mad.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


The day started crabby enough. I had a 38.7 degree Celcius fever the night before. I quickly drove myself to the clinic to get medication bcos I cant afford to fall sick since I will be taking half a day leave in the afternoon. Fever had gone today, just a slight headache. I've got a lot of emails to answer before I leave at 1300hr. When I hang up the phone at about 1015, I was summoned to the boardroom for an impromptu meeting. I turned to the Senior Manager (SM) and gave him this questioning look that said why/how come/tim kai? I'm scheduled for another meeting at 1100 later, I wasn't told about this one? He said that our GM had this guests from HK and wants to see what's our Quarter 1 2009 timetable look like and I need to be in there. I muttered s**t under my breath and rushed to the photocopier to get the schedule I just printed for FY09. And the photocopier got stuck! Grreat!?! Hurry up ... he said. I said I only able to print till March will that be okay? he nodded and rushed to the room. I scrambled and saw my GM sitting behind the door and signalling me to hurry up. Ohhh..I'm so not ready for whatever to come..who are these clients anyway? How come I'm not told earlier? The SM said something about Iron Chefs show and suddenly SURPPPRRISE!!! Goodness gracious, everybody was there. In my rush, I failed to notice that everyone was not at their cubicles. So they sang, I ahd to cut the cake and luckily there was only 1 candle there. I was overwhelmed, touched and embarrassed - all at the same time. The secretary said that they had to change their original plan when they found out that I'm taking half day leave in the afternoon. Well they got me! I was very surprised.

Received handmade cards from my boys. Took them 2 whole nite to finish it. Hubby took me and kids out for dinner. We had it at this restaurant called Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. As the name suggest their speciality is in shrimps but the food we enjoyed most was not their speciality lol. It was ribs something... delicious. Followed by dessert at Big Apple Donuts. mmm..heaven.

I had fun today and I'm happy to confess that I am still thirty something this year ^_^ To everybody who smsed/emailed and called to wish me (you know who you are) thank youuu.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Visitors from across the straits

I had a very hectic weekend. My relatives consist of my aunt and uncle, three cousins, a cousin wife and one second cousin from Singapore came down for a wedding. Two of my cousins, I haven't met for almost 20 years!!! Their port was my house. So over the weekend we had 7 extra people in our tiny house. Since their visit was short so the schedule was quite packed. My days were filled with chaperoning them from one place to the other. It was 2 days filled with chaos and laughter. I guess even my house had a shock. This is the first time we had that many guests stayed over at one time. But it was a blast. All of us attend a cousin's wedding on Sunday.

Since Singapore ban the selling of chewing gums so when my cousins came the first thing that they bought were what else .. chewing gum. In every shape and brands they can get their hands on. I witnessed it first hand when I brought them to the nearest mall at my place. There was this one small boy at the paying counter who can't stop looking at my cousins basket in disbelief. lol

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Collection added

Hubby's friend went to South Africa and got me a magnet from Capetown. So onto the hall of fame on the fridge it goes !!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

of white cake and roses

Hubby and me went to a wedding reception at Hilton KL last night. I dont know the bride and groom. Bride's mother is my hubby's automobile dealer. Whom I met for the first time, last night.

The theme was white and dramatic. The hall was decorated with many, many real white roses!!! Breathtakingly beautiful. To emphasise drama, the cake was 7 tiers!!
My favourite item of the night was the white rose arrangement on our table.
However, as of many Malay weddings held in hotels, it tend to drag past your dinner time and this one is no exceptional. Dinner was serve close to 9:40pm!! By the time dessert arrived, it was almost 11:00pm. Luckily both hubby and me came well prepared. We had Wendy's earlier with the kids at about 7:00pm :) So unlike most of the guests, we were okay.
We arrived home at 11:30pm. Just intime to watch the delayed transmission of MTV Asia Awards, held in Genting.