Sunday, August 24, 2008

A day at MAHA 2008

The whole family went to MAHA 2008 yesterday. It's short for Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and AgroTourism Show 2008. My goodness, the exhibition was hugeee!! We didnt cover the whole place of cos. But we did took the tram twice which managed to cover all the different locations. Nevertheless, the place was still crowded with millions of other people since it was the last day of the expo. On top of that, it was really a HOT day. So walking, even a short distant proved to be very difficult for all the males in my family including hubby. We just missed the Rodeo show at
1100, where they had Aussie cowboys showing off their skills.

My intention to the expo was to introduced some of the different breed of livestocks to my urban living boys. True enough, my boys were like seeing exotic animals in the zoo for the first time even thou it were only cattle and goats. My eldest saw a bull and asked me, 'ma what's that huge thing hanging out from the bull'? what's else would it be, I asked him?? its testicles of cos! and his mouth formed this huge O in disbelief. I had a fun time explaining the different breed of cattle and where it originated from compare to our local breed.

We were rushing to buy some fruits towards our exit, when the wind became stronger. We didnt made it to the parking lot when a heavy downpour started. We took cover at one of the stall selling fried currypuffs. 25 minutes later, almost soaking wet, we managed to made our way to the car.

Althou' my husband doesnt share the same enthusiasm, but I'm glad the boys learnt about the livestocks. It was indeed tiring but to me it was worth it.


Kim said...

That is some really unique watermelons! I've never seen square ones before. Beautiful cows! I love going to the barns at the fair and seeing all the different livestock.

leo said...

Kim, yeah those watermelons are unique arent they? If I'm not mistaken, square ones are famous in Japan. :)

Kerry Droll said...

Now that's my kind of fun. I need to find me one of those square watermelons lol.