Saturday, September 20, 2008

Its the weekend

It has been a brutal week ..... at work that is. Its the 1st draft submission of our FY10 budget and all other deadlines must be within the week in anticipation of the long festive holidays to come. On top of that, when your big boss has to meet his big boss for the Q2 update, YOU will die standing! Its
'see if you can get me this report say from year 2006 to now and I want it before 4pm today', 'and your forward planner for 2009 is ready right?', 'I'm planning to revamp our pool of vehicles from say petrol to NGV, do a proposal and let me see it'. What do you mean the cost centre is not under you? It's okay just do it, and I will let you incharge of the cost centre from now on and I want it say in 2 weeks time?
And on top of it all, its one meeting after another.
For the whole month of Ramadhan, our HR policy allows muslims staffs to leave the office early at 4:30pm from the usual 6:00pm provided they clock in by 8:30am (usual hr is at 9am) and work thru lunch. I have yet to leave the office at 4:30pm although I clocked in at 8am and lately I found myself at the office by 7:10am and leave at quarter to 6:00pm! But i guess this is better bcos on normal days I usually leave at 7pm. So after the break of fast at 7:15pm, I'm usually a dead meat by 9:30pm only to wake at 4:30am to finish whatever leftover assignment before the pre-dawn meal called sahur with the family at 5:05am.
So yes, I am very greatful and thankful for this short break of weekend. Until it start all over again on Monday.
Wish everyone a blessed Ramadhan.

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