Sunday, September 21, 2008

Moon River by Frank Sinatra

I was listening to a newly bought compilation of jazz tunes cd when a song alone again (naturally) struck a chord to me. After googling to it, I was horrified to learn its lyric. I mean the tune and song is wonderful but the lyrics was so sad and depressing and I decided to let it pass. Then I came upon Sinatra's Moon River. I posted Fly Me to the Moon before and this is equally a haunting tune ... in a good way. This MAN is so talented. They dont make songs like this anymore *sigh* Ohh this is soo romantic! Pls take your time. Enjoy this.

1 comment:

GMG said...

Hi Leo! After a short break but a long absence, I’m finally back to the blogosphere and glad to find the Voice here... ;))
Great post!
Many thanks for your comments on Blogtrotter while I was off. It’s now on its way to Crete! Hope you enjoy and wish you a great week ahead!