Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Paper, ink and glue

It was a hot Sunday afternoon in the fasting month and I'd asked my husband to bring me to the books clearance sale. To my delight, he agreed! But when we reached there I knew he regretted his decision. There were rows and rows of books and there I was like a kid let loose in a toy shop without adults supervision! But I did behave. Yes sir I did. Mainly bcos the kids were with us and within ten minutes they were already restless. Even after their father took them to tour the whole place, just so that their mother had the time to browse around. Since I dont have much time so I just took which ever book that caught my eye. In total I got myself 6books with an unbelievable cheap price and I'm over the moon. Can't hardly wait to get my hands on them.
In the car my husband said, but you still havent read the book I got for you last month, the one with 1088 pages? And you bought more books? Don't worry, I'll make time for it. You know I will, was my reply. And at the back of the car, my children were already jumping up and down 'so can we go and buy food now?'

"When you sell a man a book,
you don't sell him 12 ounces of
paper and ink and glue-
you sell him a whole new life

-Christopher Morley
(from paylessbooks.com)

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