"The Lady of Chablis, I'm a show girl. My mama got the name Chablis off a wine bottle".
"A cool white wine for a cool black girl, " I said.
"What's was your name before that?" I asked.
"Frank," she said.
I finished the last 4 chapters reading from 0540hr this morning. The book is soo intriguing! Its characters are eccentric. I love it. It's like reading a detailed, larger than life tourist brochure on the city of Savannah, its landmarks, its cemeteries and its people ... definitely its colorful people who gave the book its characters. I found myself sharing the details of its characters with my colleague everytime I finished a chapter bcos many of it was just too fascinating. Three names that kept popping out from the pages amongst it many, many interesting personalities are Jim Williams, Danny Hansford and of cos' Chablis. I think part of my fascinating of the book is bcos it is a non-fiction. Yes, all the characters really exist. That adds to the wow factor for me. So much so that it prompted me to google Savannah map and identify all it towns featured in the book and Wikipedia (ing) the landmarks. I'm glad I did that after I read the book bcos it would spoil the thrill of the murder trial featured in the book. I guess the bizarreness of the events described in the book gave true meaning to the phrase 'fact is stranger than fiction'.
I also learned that I am 17 years behind when THE book (famously known as) hit the bookstore in 1994. It has been in New York Times best seller list for 3 years and became sensational again in 1997 when Clint Eastwood turned it into a movie. I know that not all book can turn into a good movie in this case THE movie but guess what, it has Jude Law as Danny Hansford!! That's enough for me lol. But the movie boast other star cast as well, Kevin Spacey as Jim Williams and Lady Chablis as herself. Come to think of it, I remembered watching a snippet of the movie bcos I received a text from a friend saying Jude Law on one of the channel in an almost black and white movie. I turned on the channel saw him but was too sleepy to watch. Oh now I definitely have to scan the TV guide for a rerun.
Now back to my interrupted sleep.
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