Friday, June 26, 2009

Farewell Michael Jackson 1958/2009

I first received the text at 06:30am. Michael Jackson died. Is this some kind of a sick joke? Then the next one at 07:40am. I've got no time to check the facts. Went into the car. It was all over the radio. HitzFM Djs were receiving calls from listeners that caused me to choke with tears on my way to work. At a traffic light, I quickly grab a tissue. Gosh, I was in a mess. Memories of my first encounter with the name Michael Jackson when a cousin's family who was living in the States for 11 years came back. His 8 year old son ( my second cousin) showed me (then 12 years old) - MJ album. Who's he? I asked. My question was answered later that year when he won several Grammy awards for Beat It. Ooo.. so he's Michael Jackson.
I sang the song Ben (by MJ) at a school gathering when I was 14.
In 1996, hubby (back then boyfriend)and me went to watch Michael History Tour Concert in KL. We pushed our way to secure tickets at Hard Rock Cafe KL on weekdays bcos it's almost sold out everywhere else. I knew then, that was going to be my first and last 'live' encounter with MJ.

The office was at a sombre mood. Some in the know. While some had just heard in the elevator. I quickly switched to CNN. Everywhere around me preparation was being made by channel reps to change TV schedule for at least the next day in order to pay tribute to the King of Pop. I went into the meeting room with an exclamation remark 'Are we still gonna have this meeting? I'm mourning here! ' I meant it as a joke. And when I honestly dont have any contribution towards around the table questions my VP remarked 'I think we have to kill another Superstar next week' (just to get my mouth shut). Mean boss.

I like the song below. Hope you do too.



Kerry Droll said...

It was a rough couple of days losing Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson all within 36 hours - I grew up with all of them and feel a huge chunk of my childhood gone - may they all rest in peace.

GMG said...

Lovely post!