Friday, June 19, 2009

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

"If he does not come to me then, I shall give him up forever." Elizabeth Bennet
I thought I've read P&P before. But I thought wrong! The more pages I turned, the more I realised that I dont know the story line. How could this be? I must have confused myself with a different author or book.

"It taught me to hope". Mr Darcy

The 298pages really testing me. Not because it was not interesting but because the old english words used were hard to digest by my (usually) sleepy gray matter. The purpose of me picking up the book in the first place was bcos I thought I need to dilute my thoughts from the haunting vampire tales I've been reading all this while. P&P became one of the choice when I saw a movie on Jane Austen book club and the tentative choice became evident when there was a line in Twilight book where the book was mentioned. And I took that as a sign :p

Its not easy to find an old classic title for sale. So I had to settle with a reproduction ... and it's cheaper.

Warning spoiler ahead.
'Dear Sir,
I must trouble you once more for congratulations. Elizabeth will soon be the wife of Mr Darcy. Console Lady Catherine as well as you can. But, if I were you, I would stand by the nephew; he has more to give. Yours sincerely, etc.' Mr. Bennett

I laughed so hard (after reading the above). It felt good after many pages of frustration!! I mean on my part. I really cannot comprehend and tolerate on why people on those days just cant say what they really mean. They keep hiding behind their flowery words. Urrgg .. its so frustrating to read.

So now I'm done with the so-called diversion, it's now time to return to my real obsession. I've just started reading the 4th book on Twilight saga last night and I've reached quarter of the book's 754pages.

For my own sanity I need, no I must so down. But I know that would be impossible. With weekend just around the corner, I can tell that most of my time will be devoted to Edward Cullen ..err I mean the book ^_^

1 comment:

GMG said...

Hi Leo! Couldn't download the picture, but the text was interesting. Fortunately, I'm still out of the Saga... ;))

Blogtrotter has moved to another country on its 250th post. Enjoy and have a great Sunday!