Sunday, June 14, 2009

Visit to Malacca

A week ago both hubby and me took two days off. It was a school break but we dont have any definite plan of where to bring the kids. On Sunday afternoon after several attempts to make last minute hotel reservation to several hotels, we finally found one in Malacca. The last time we went to the historical state for touristy visit was in 2007. So it had been 2 years.
Weather was hot. We skipped places we've been before like the St. Paul Hill and the ride on those decorated trishaws. Went to several museums where I had to be the tour guide and was horrified to find out that my sons were clueless on who was Paremeswara or had any idea about Hang Tuah etc. So that afternoon, they also learnt about Afonso de Albuquerque (Portugese conqueror) - not just Cristiano Ronaldo (hmm), the Dutch and also British who came to Malacca.
At night, after a thorough guide thru the phone from hubby's friend who himself stuck in a jam on the North-South Highway driving from Perak to Melaka - we found a seafood place where my husband been before with the said friend. Sweet sour crab, grilled stingray & prawns, nasi lemak and drinks of 4pax costed us only RM60 after a RM7 discount. It couldn't get any more delicious :) Below are some of our pics.


GMG said...

Hi Leo! Great that they learned about Afonso de Albuquerque and the «Famosa», as they already know about Cristiano Ronaldo... ;))

Kerry Droll said...

You all go on some great places and I love reading about them - thanks for sharing.