Sunday, August 2, 2009

Elizabeth's Daughter by Marianne Fredriksson

'Words of comfort are like whipped cream, a superficial topping'
I like that phrase. Especially for people like me who prefer to listen rather than offer my words to others especially when someone losses somebody very dear to them. The book was a slow start for me. But only bcos I was just too sleepy and tired during weekday nights.

Elizabeth's Daughter was a perfect book for me to venture into modern setting after the classics. Set it modern Sweden which intrigue me to place the country as a must visit Europe country- one day, I hope ^_^ (apart from Germany). Even its society and culture sounds fascinating to me. So now, Sweden is no longer just Sony Ericsson, Ikea and Volvo to me. The one year maternity leave and emphasize on children's welfare also reminded me of a conversation I had before with my hubby's Swedish friend (many years ago) when he and family came to KL for two nights visit after their Borneo trip. We took them to see the famous fire-flies of Kuala Selangor.

Okay back to the book, I like its straight forwardness dialogue and no pretentious characters.

Here's a poem from T.S Eliot quote from the book:
'Where is the Life, we have lost in Living?
Where is the Wisdom, we have lost in Knowledge?
Where is the Knowledge, we have lost in Information?'

Have a good week ahead, everyone.

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GMG said...

Hi Leo!
Don't remember ever reading something from her, and I'm much closer here... ;) Great to discover!!

Blogtrotter is back to the «urban jungle», which Reykjavik is far from being... ;)). Enjoy and have a fabulous week!

Kerry Droll said...

Hi Leo! Thanks for the birthday wish - overall it was a good day. This sounds like a good book - I'll keep an eye out for it! Have a great one!!

GMG said...

Hi Leo! 08.08 always deserves a bit of champagne (rather than a book...;)); at least for those who got married some 34 years ago. We just had a bit of Veuve Clicquot... ;))

Blogtrotter is now showing that Reykjavik is not entirely grey... ;)). Enjoy and have a fabulous weekend!