Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ramadhan arrives

Marhaban ya RamadhanImage by bhima @ flickr via Flickr

I havent been updating my blog as often as I want to. Not only that, I didnt even have the time to log into the internet in what feels the longest time. Reason to it, I shall reveal shortly.

Today is the 6th day of Ramadhan. It's the fasting month. The first day of fasting coincide with the one week school break which was a relieved to my boys especially Danial whom is still trying to adjust school activity and fasting at the same time. He didnt fast on the first day bcos he didnt has sahur (eating before dawn break) so I refuse to allow him to fast so he will understand the importance of sahur (to supply him the energy needed for the whole day to sustain his fast). He was quite annoyed when I made a big fuss to those whom fast to get priority during the breaking of fast especially to his older brother. So he made a promise to wake up for sahur at 4:45am every morning which he did.

My mom is staying with our family for almost a week plus already. So she's been preparing delicious meals for all of us. Last Sunday she made her famous nasi tomato (tomato rice) and I invited my brother's family to break fast together with us. She made popiah and kuah durian for me too and I learned to make roti jala (to eat with kuah durian) yummy! Another way to entice my children to eat more during sahur is to get them 'serunding' (beef floss) which they like to eat with rice. I use to buy one container after another every week for them and it is not cheap. I bought 2 kilos of beef recently and my mom made the serunding and we got 10 containers to my boys delight. So that settle the boys problem of what to eat during sahur.

Tomorrow we are sending my mom back to my hometown in Damar Laut and will also take the chance to visit my in-laws in Ipoh. So after this back to the usual routine, I'll be beating the traffic and making my way to pasar Ramadhan (market) every day after work to buy stuffs for our 'berbuka'.

During this fasting month, I find myself grew sleepy and tired easily. Ten thirty is the most for me. My eye lids will go very heavy further than that so that explains why I dont even have the time to venture into the internet hence no update on my blog. My body is still adjusting to waking up that early every morning. But I will do best to update more :)

Here's wishing every Muslim - Ramadhan Al Mubarak.

Abu Huraira related that the Prophet said: If a person does not avoid false talk and false conduct during Siyam, then Allah does not care if he abstains from food and drink (Bukhari, Muslim).

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1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

I always learn something reading your blogs. I've heard of Ramadhan but didn't know much about it until now. Thanks!!