Monday, April 19, 2010

Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson

This book is a typical case of me judging the book by its cover. Yes, I confess. I fell for the cover ...

So I'm being punished. The lead character Jane is so disappointing!!

Page 78 - I sooo want Jane to say/shout/scream 'GET OUT Hugh, get out of this room, get out out from my life ... or better still slap him ... for being a big a** jerk. Alas it didnt happen. She let him kissed her. Urgghhh!!! I have to stop reading just to calm myself. So I braced myself to face another assault.

But wait, in the next paragraph 'Jane suddenly remembered that Hugh was an actor. He's only acting that he still cares for her'. YESss!! That's me shouting. She finally wakes up. There's a light at the end of the tunnel for readers like me, who's hoping for a miracle to hopeless main character like Jane.

I'm already at chapter 29 - I don't understand on how a bright, independent, rich, young woman can waste hours and hours of precious time and tears being treated badly over and over again by a useless man - is beyond my comprehension.

Finally on page 165, Jane retaliate against her over-controlling mother. Hooray, double, triple hooray. I have to read the sentences out aloud just to convince myself she actually said those words. Now if she can keep the high spirit and use it against Hugh too.

So morale of the story. Yeah, you've guessed it. Dont judge the book by its cover or suffer the consequences like I did. And she's not even dark haired ...

Monday, April 12, 2010

The 13th year

Heather's Engagement Ring, black and whiteImage by ladybugbkt via Flickr

Yesterday was our 13th wedding anniversary. We celebrated at this restaurant called Ozeki Tokyo Cuisine, right smack in the heart of KL. As the name suggest, it was a Japanese restaurant which was recommended by my husband former boss and friend. I was prepared to devour into the food and the lovely ambience when 15 minutes after we entered the restaurant we were joined by the place's frequent patron, my hubby's ex-boss and his wife. Or rather, they've asked us to join them. Since we had company so I didnt take any food picture, like I normally do, so there's none to show here. But eat I did.
It was a splendid lunch and we had a wonderful time. I also learnt several fancy dishes (to order, hopefully again) from these wonderful couple. And since they were VIPs so we received the same treatment as well ... lucky us ^_^

I received a handmade card from my youngest son which said 'Selamat Ulangtahun Perkawanan' (suppose to be spell Perkahwinan = Wedding). The wrong spelling has turned the greetings to Happy Friendship Anniversary instead which was quite appropriate for us actually. Both hubby and me were high school sweethearts and we met over 27 years ago. Gulp! gosh, we sounded ancient!! LOL

So here's to another 13 and more.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Is this love ...

It's 0830 am. It's raining and best of all, it's a Saturrdayyy!! I already had my morning coffee and Lisa Stansfield is playing on the radio. Can't get any better than this. Bliss.

Where have I been? No where. I just didnt log into my blog that just it. I've been sleeping early on week nites or reading or sleep while trying to read. And it goes without saying that weekends are just too short. For all you know, its already Sunday evening and I have to tune myself for work the next day. But one thing for sure, time does flies.

I've been dying to visit this bookstore I just found out about but trouble with me is that I'm bad in directions. Hubby got me a GPS but the KL map is so unreliable. It said turn right ... turn right ... and you are in the middle of a bridge highway. What right turn?? You want me to slam the car over the railing is it?? So I dont trust myself even with GPS. And I hate the calculating ... calculating message. Yeah, go ahead calculate! So I'm stuck unless hubby drives me there. Maybe I can try that this afternoon. The hubby persuasion ^_^

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary. Hubby is taking me to this Japanese restaurant where I havent been before. Well for now the menu is japanese food unless we change our preference tomorrow. So we'll see.

So you are wondering, what's my post title all about eh? Bcos for now, I'm leaving you with .... are yoy ready for this? Is This Love by Whitesnake LOL. Ooohhh this is so 80's!! But they are the bestest. Dont hate me, I'm full of love today :D Have a good weekend everyone. Ta da

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Web of Deceit by Glenn Meade

This was a page turner for me. I started reading it at 8pm and would have finish it around 1:30am if not for the fact that I have to go to work the next morning. So I saved it for the day after.
This is my second spy genre in a row. Funny thing is, I don't fancy any of its characters which was pretty weird for me. The plot was intriguing at the beginning but began to wear off as the story reaches its end. When you already know who is who and which side they support (reminds me of the Bourne saga or X Files *gulp*), so that's when the story lose its appeal. But its quite alright since I already enjoyed the journey. It was a lot of twist that didnt make sense in the beginning as I was reading it bcos I kept questioning who was that? why etc and later decided to let it go and enjoy the story, which I did.

I'm actually in the midst of reading another thick novel which still doesnt show any sign of reaching its end, but I'm determine to finish it. So I'm going one chapter at a time ...