Monday, April 19, 2010

Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson

This book is a typical case of me judging the book by its cover. Yes, I confess. I fell for the cover ...

So I'm being punished. The lead character Jane is so disappointing!!

Page 78 - I sooo want Jane to say/shout/scream 'GET OUT Hugh, get out of this room, get out out from my life ... or better still slap him ... for being a big a** jerk. Alas it didnt happen. She let him kissed her. Urgghhh!!! I have to stop reading just to calm myself. So I braced myself to face another assault.

But wait, in the next paragraph 'Jane suddenly remembered that Hugh was an actor. He's only acting that he still cares for her'. YESss!! That's me shouting. She finally wakes up. There's a light at the end of the tunnel for readers like me, who's hoping for a miracle to hopeless main character like Jane.

I'm already at chapter 29 - I don't understand on how a bright, independent, rich, young woman can waste hours and hours of precious time and tears being treated badly over and over again by a useless man - is beyond my comprehension.

Finally on page 165, Jane retaliate against her over-controlling mother. Hooray, double, triple hooray. I have to read the sentences out aloud just to convince myself she actually said those words. Now if she can keep the high spirit and use it against Hugh too.

So morale of the story. Yeah, you've guessed it. Dont judge the book by its cover or suffer the consequences like I did. And she's not even dark haired ...


Trotter said...

Hi Leo! Covers are getting worse nowadays; I always preferred a clean, no images cover for a decent book... ;)

Missing you at Blogtrotter Two, which has a French party for you in Turkey... ;) Enjoy and have a great weekend!!

Kerry Droll said...

LOL! You just reminded me of my mother. She used to get so into the books she read she'd throw them across the room if a character made her mad!

leo said...

Gil, yup saw your french party with the white theme. So much fun!!

Kerry, yes books can make you become physical sometimes :)) lol
really she threw the book? ha!ha! I always did it in my mind thou' not throwing the book but straggling the author ;)