Thursday, April 1, 2010

Web of Deceit by Glenn Meade

This was a page turner for me. I started reading it at 8pm and would have finish it around 1:30am if not for the fact that I have to go to work the next morning. So I saved it for the day after.
This is my second spy genre in a row. Funny thing is, I don't fancy any of its characters which was pretty weird for me. The plot was intriguing at the beginning but began to wear off as the story reaches its end. When you already know who is who and which side they support (reminds me of the Bourne saga or X Files *gulp*), so that's when the story lose its appeal. But its quite alright since I already enjoyed the journey. It was a lot of twist that didnt make sense in the beginning as I was reading it bcos I kept questioning who was that? why etc and later decided to let it go and enjoy the story, which I did.

I'm actually in the midst of reading another thick novel which still doesnt show any sign of reaching its end, but I'm determine to finish it. So I'm going one chapter at a time ...

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

I can't seem to get interested in spy, heist or espionage stories. I think I'm one of the few people on the planet who doesn't like anything James Bond lol!!

I hope you do get to see Remember Me - a lot of critics were brutal with it but that just means it's a great movie. Let me know what you think!

Have a great one!!