Monday, April 12, 2010

The 13th year

Heather's Engagement Ring, black and whiteImage by ladybugbkt via Flickr

Yesterday was our 13th wedding anniversary. We celebrated at this restaurant called Ozeki Tokyo Cuisine, right smack in the heart of KL. As the name suggest, it was a Japanese restaurant which was recommended by my husband former boss and friend. I was prepared to devour into the food and the lovely ambience when 15 minutes after we entered the restaurant we were joined by the place's frequent patron, my hubby's ex-boss and his wife. Or rather, they've asked us to join them. Since we had company so I didnt take any food picture, like I normally do, so there's none to show here. But eat I did.
It was a splendid lunch and we had a wonderful time. I also learnt several fancy dishes (to order, hopefully again) from these wonderful couple. And since they were VIPs so we received the same treatment as well ... lucky us ^_^

I received a handmade card from my youngest son which said 'Selamat Ulangtahun Perkawanan' (suppose to be spell Perkahwinan = Wedding). The wrong spelling has turned the greetings to Happy Friendship Anniversary instead which was quite appropriate for us actually. Both hubby and me were high school sweethearts and we met over 27 years ago. Gulp! gosh, we sounded ancient!! LOL

So here's to another 13 and more.

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Kerry Droll said...

Well Happy Anniversary and here's to many many more!!

Yeah, this is a very active time for earthquakes all over. I've had just about enough of them for sure. It's been just over a week since that 7.2 quake and my male cat is still my constant shadow.

To answer your question about my last blog - the police were responding to a domestic violence call where the guy was threatening to kill his wife and himself on Easter. They took him away - I haven't seen either of them since.

Trotter said...

Hi Leo! Congrats! 27 is a nice number; we'll make 40 next April 25th... ;))

Blogtrotter Two is waiting for you in Turkey... ;) Enjoy and have a great week!!

Phi said...

so sweet :) envy with the Jap food though kekekke
Lots of love from;