Saturday, April 10, 2010

Is this love ...

It's 0830 am. It's raining and best of all, it's a Saturrdayyy!! I already had my morning coffee and Lisa Stansfield is playing on the radio. Can't get any better than this. Bliss.

Where have I been? No where. I just didnt log into my blog that just it. I've been sleeping early on week nites or reading or sleep while trying to read. And it goes without saying that weekends are just too short. For all you know, its already Sunday evening and I have to tune myself for work the next day. But one thing for sure, time does flies.

I've been dying to visit this bookstore I just found out about but trouble with me is that I'm bad in directions. Hubby got me a GPS but the KL map is so unreliable. It said turn right ... turn right ... and you are in the middle of a bridge highway. What right turn?? You want me to slam the car over the railing is it?? So I dont trust myself even with GPS. And I hate the calculating ... calculating message. Yeah, go ahead calculate! So I'm stuck unless hubby drives me there. Maybe I can try that this afternoon. The hubby persuasion ^_^

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary. Hubby is taking me to this Japanese restaurant where I havent been before. Well for now the menu is japanese food unless we change our preference tomorrow. So we'll see.

So you are wondering, what's my post title all about eh? Bcos for now, I'm leaving you with .... are yoy ready for this? Is This Love by Whitesnake LOL. Ooohhh this is so 80's!! But they are the bestest. Dont hate me, I'm full of love today :D Have a good weekend everyone. Ta da

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