Monday, May 31, 2010

Dear John - the movie

OMG. I was crying buckets and smiling silly as I watched this. It is so heart wrenching and sweet, all at the same time. Remind hubby and me of our three years long distance relationship. He in Tucson, Arizona and I'm in KL. Time when internet are things you found in IT labs, and I dont own any PC. Notebook was the thing for the rich people. LOL those were the days. So we rely on ... yes letters!!Hand written letters.

Ending was not really to my liking. Im not too sure about the ending in the book bcos I have not read it. But again I'm a sucker for romantics so the movie was quite alright for me. As of Channing Tatum in this movie ... I shall not say anything .. okay maybe just two words ..too cute :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fridge magnet - Buenos Aires & Brasil

Several of hubby's colleagues went to South America for company's incentive trip. And I got these from them which made it to number 99 and counting on my fridge. Arent they beautiful?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Movie week

It started last weekend.

Saturday - I decided to watch New Moon again so I bought the DVD with several other titles. Guess bcos I'm eagerly anticipating the 3rd movie from the Twilight saga - Eclipse, which will be out in theater somewhere in early July. Sigh, still a long way to go.
Verdict: I'm always bias when it come to anything Twilight, but to be fair the book New Moon is my least favourite in the series (no surprises there) but I enjoyed the movie more. Below is the trailer of my next must watch movie from the book -Eclipse

Sunday - The kids and I went to watched Iron Man 2 in theatre. Hubby bought us the tickets but we went on our own bcos he has to go outstation. My 8 year old boy last for about 35 minutes (well, until his popcorn finished) before he got restless. The movie felt longer that it really was. But I enjoyed watching Robert Downey Jr. He makes the Iron Man suit looks sexy ;)
Verdict: I like this better than Transformer 2. My 12 yr old son like the scenes whenever Iron Man has his partner to fight against or with. I gave it 3 out 5 stars.

Wednesday - I received 2 free passes for the premier of Letters to Juliet. Went to see it with hubby. My colleague predicted that my hubby will sleep halfway thru the movie but I assured her no bcos hubby only sleeps when it's an action (ie. James Bond), robot fighting (ie. Transformer), epic fiction (ie. LOTR) movies lol - go figure. And true enough, he didnt.
Verdict: Nothing spectacular about the movie but it was sweet (Hallmark channel kinda feel) and thanks to the italian fiance chef, the movie become quite funny with his trademark exclaimation 'win-win'. I'm actually looking forward to watch Amy Seyfried in Dear John (I have the dvd, yeah). I gave it 2.5 out 5 stars.

Friday - Again hubby is away. So we got the TV to ourselves. The kids and I decided to watch Avatar. Yup, we are the last people in the galaxy that hadnt watch it yet. I only wish we had caught it on 3D in theatre. My boys would have love it.
Verdict: Awesome. Enjoyed the whole 3 hours, with many pausing in between ie. to make hot drinks for my son and I, on the air-con in the kids room, tuck my sleepy youngest son to bed. 4/5 stars.

Now if only I can persuade hubby to watch it too.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice

I'm re-writing this. I cant believe what I wrote earlier vanished as soon as I wrote the end. As if some invisible force is angry at me for not having positive feedback of the book?? Okay, I'm being paranoid.

Azriel the main character doesnt convince me at all. I dont feel anything towards him except maybe a little when earlier he was burned in the boiling couldron .. and I'm already on page 208.

Lord knows how many times I want to quit, give up, raise the white flag .. when I read this book. It was such an agony. Everytime when I picked the book to continue where I left, it felt like a chore. A heavy one.

21 out of 26 chapters were about Azriel the ghost/spirit transforming himself into human like form over and over again. And everytime he does, there is this lengthy narration which seems to go on forever on every chapter. I just cant take it anymore!! And how this powerful spirit Azriel breezed thru his 21st century knowledge and surroundings, to me it felt like a cheap attempt by the author to trick her readers.

I'm desperate for the book to end. Ever since I picked up the book, I had finished two other books in between. That's how difficult it is for me to finish this one. I was praying for a small excitement in the plot to help me put a closure to this book. The excitement came in the last 3 chapters. Amen.

The moment I close the final page, it felt like a huge burden has finally been lift out of me. Such an agonizing journey and I lived to tell the tale.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Retail Therapy 2 @ Book Xcess

Sometime ago I wrote about persuading hubby to visit this unknown bookstore (to me then) that I just found out about. Well, as you can see from the pic that I got him to drive me there, purchased several books and this store has now become my favourite bookstore in the entire country. All books are cheaper than anywhere plus these are all new books (not used) not did I mind before. How fabulous!! If not for the fact that I've gone to another book sale earleir (and feeling guilty of not reading them yet) I would have a shopping spree day. But the beauty of it, I dont have to wait for booksale and these books are going to remain cheap at all time, isnt it? So I can come back any time later. Gosh, I'm salivating just thinking about the store and all the books in it. Place is call Book Xcess at Amcorp Mall, PJ. I bragged about it in the office and 2 colleagues checked it out and agreed with me.

Now, if only I can get myself to drive there on my own.