Saturday, May 22, 2010

Movie week

It started last weekend.

Saturday - I decided to watch New Moon again so I bought the DVD with several other titles. Guess bcos I'm eagerly anticipating the 3rd movie from the Twilight saga - Eclipse, which will be out in theater somewhere in early July. Sigh, still a long way to go.
Verdict: I'm always bias when it come to anything Twilight, but to be fair the book New Moon is my least favourite in the series (no surprises there) but I enjoyed the movie more. Below is the trailer of my next must watch movie from the book -Eclipse

Sunday - The kids and I went to watched Iron Man 2 in theatre. Hubby bought us the tickets but we went on our own bcos he has to go outstation. My 8 year old boy last for about 35 minutes (well, until his popcorn finished) before he got restless. The movie felt longer that it really was. But I enjoyed watching Robert Downey Jr. He makes the Iron Man suit looks sexy ;)
Verdict: I like this better than Transformer 2. My 12 yr old son like the scenes whenever Iron Man has his partner to fight against or with. I gave it 3 out 5 stars.

Wednesday - I received 2 free passes for the premier of Letters to Juliet. Went to see it with hubby. My colleague predicted that my hubby will sleep halfway thru the movie but I assured her no bcos hubby only sleeps when it's an action (ie. James Bond), robot fighting (ie. Transformer), epic fiction (ie. LOTR) movies lol - go figure. And true enough, he didnt.
Verdict: Nothing spectacular about the movie but it was sweet (Hallmark channel kinda feel) and thanks to the italian fiance chef, the movie become quite funny with his trademark exclaimation 'win-win'. I'm actually looking forward to watch Amy Seyfried in Dear John (I have the dvd, yeah). I gave it 2.5 out 5 stars.

Friday - Again hubby is away. So we got the TV to ourselves. The kids and I decided to watch Avatar. Yup, we are the last people in the galaxy that hadnt watch it yet. I only wish we had caught it on 3D in theatre. My boys would have love it.
Verdict: Awesome. Enjoyed the whole 3 hours, with many pausing in between ie. to make hot drinks for my son and I, on the air-con in the kids room, tuck my sleepy youngest son to bed. 4/5 stars.

Now if only I can persuade hubby to watch it too.

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Kerry Droll said...

I'm looking forward to Eclipse too though I'll wait a bit until the hysteria dies down a little to see it. If it makes you feel better, I haven't seen Avatar yet so I think I'm the last one on the planet LOL! I see that Remember Me will be on DVD in June yay!

Trotter said...

Hi Leo! Avatar was the only one I saw from this list...

Sorry for the absence, but my computer broke down and I’ll be waiting a month for it to be fixed… ;-( Anyhow, I left you a post on the suburbs of Ephesus for you to enjoy. Have a great weekend!!