Saturday, May 8, 2010

Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice

I'm re-writing this. I cant believe what I wrote earlier vanished as soon as I wrote the end. As if some invisible force is angry at me for not having positive feedback of the book?? Okay, I'm being paranoid.

Azriel the main character doesnt convince me at all. I dont feel anything towards him except maybe a little when earlier he was burned in the boiling couldron .. and I'm already on page 208.

Lord knows how many times I want to quit, give up, raise the white flag .. when I read this book. It was such an agony. Everytime when I picked the book to continue where I left, it felt like a chore. A heavy one.

21 out of 26 chapters were about Azriel the ghost/spirit transforming himself into human like form over and over again. And everytime he does, there is this lengthy narration which seems to go on forever on every chapter. I just cant take it anymore!! And how this powerful spirit Azriel breezed thru his 21st century knowledge and surroundings, to me it felt like a cheap attempt by the author to trick her readers.

I'm desperate for the book to end. Ever since I picked up the book, I had finished two other books in between. That's how difficult it is for me to finish this one. I was praying for a small excitement in the plot to help me put a closure to this book. The excitement came in the last 3 chapters. Amen.

The moment I close the final page, it felt like a huge burden has finally been lift out of me. Such an agonizing journey and I lived to tell the tale.


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