Monday, May 31, 2010

Dear John - the movie

OMG. I was crying buckets and smiling silly as I watched this. It is so heart wrenching and sweet, all at the same time. Remind hubby and me of our three years long distance relationship. He in Tucson, Arizona and I'm in KL. Time when internet are things you found in IT labs, and I dont own any PC. Notebook was the thing for the rich people. LOL those were the days. So we rely on ... yes letters!!Hand written letters.

Ending was not really to my liking. Im not too sure about the ending in the book bcos I have not read it. But again I'm a sucker for romantics so the movie was quite alright for me. As of Channing Tatum in this movie ... I shall not say anything .. okay maybe just two words ..too cute :)


Trotter said...

Hi Leo! No one writes letters anymore; what will happen to postmen? ;)

Blogtrotter Two has a sunset cruise for you! Enjoy the cocktails and the views and have a great week!!

Kerry Droll said...

Thanks for the reminder - I want to see that!!