Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Seductive Poisons by Deborah Layton

Brochure of the Peoples Temple, portraying lea...Image via Wikipedia

A Jonestown Survivor's Story of Life and Death in the People's Temple.

This was a page turner for me. Started the book at about 9pm and finished it around 1am in the morning. It's a non fiction but the book is a classic example of how truth is often stranger than fiction. I can't believe how ignorant I was about the subject and am very glad I read the book.

At first I just couldn't understand how one can be so naive as to believe the power that the leader claimed he has but again this naive author/survivor was not the only one. Hundreds were already influenced by Reverend Jim Jones. And they were not a teenager like her. Many were scholars and educated people. I remembered how I got all jittery and nervous as Layton planned her escape and almost didnt make it. Unfortunately 918 others didn't, including her mother.

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1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

I saw a documentary recently about the Jonestown massacre. I remember when it happened and thinking how it could be possible all those people would follow such a lunatic. But after seeing the documentary where they interviewed people who were able to get away it did make a little more sense. I'll have to read this book.