Sunday, November 11, 2007

Local coffee and kaya bread

I had breakfast at a small café called Kemaman Kopitiam on Saturday morning. I love kaya toast bread with coffee and of cos’ half boiled eggs ..mmm.. Compare to Uncle Lim’s and Kluang Station café this outlet is the cheapest. Everything above cost me RM 6 (about USD 1.8). I must say the coffee was heaven, not too sweet nor bitter but just right. Breakfast (especially on weekend) is my most favorite meal of the day. Its sort of set the mood for me to tackle the day.
Care to share what you have for breakfast today?


Anonymous said...

looking yummy leo-chan!!
we dont serve 2 eggs. oh i love breakfast photos :)
i had toast & kiri cream cheese today.

leo said...

niki - yummy, yummy!