Sunday, November 18, 2007

My excuse

Been very busy with work and things that happened around me during work and at home than I hardly have time to update and visit blogs. I reached home from work at 9:00pm last night. I better not say anything about work or it just won’t end. Actually I should be scrutinizing some reports which I must present to several seniors on Monday, not to mention my performance write-up since I already logged an appointment with ‘the boss’ to discuss my annual appraisal on Monday but here I am updating my blog.
Earlier, I read a last entry from a netizen friend saying sayonara to her blog bcos she has difficulty keeping up, hope this wont happen to me.
My youngest son Danial is just about to recover from his chicken pox. He had it a day before Deepavali. So far he hasn’t passed it to his elder brother though it would be convenient since school break just started last Friday. Needless to say, Danial had his final school break a week earlier than the other children. I went to his kiddy school at noon to collect his report card which thus far received favorable comments from his teachers.
I spent half of today’s morning reading backdated newspapers wayback since Tuesday, that’s how up to date I am now.


Anonymous said...

oh im sorry to hear that.
is ur sons okay now?
please dont worry about blog leo-chan.
if u cant blog, just post a pic or video and write a few words.
thats how ive been manage to blog :P
and most friends are same too.
take care and have a lovely weekend!!

leo said...

niki-thanx for the tips, i shall remember that. my son is recovering well TQ, but he got few scars on the face. but i think he shall b okay. peace to you too.