Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Lost and Found

I'm on MC today. This is my second one for this year. Woke up this morning with this headache on the left side of my skull and neck plus my throat felt as if I had swallowed a bucket of coarse sand. So the GP gave me 1 day off and 4 packets of colorful pills to take. With the advice 'drink plenty of water'(which I'm ashame to say I'm not good at). So I got the same advice over and over again from young till now.

Still fresh from my recent training, I'm now reading this. And no, I still haven't finish reading the previous book which I have decided to put on halt at the moment.

Lost & Found is a book on managerial & leadership. It's not a thick book and its quite interesting, so I'm planning to finish it in another day or two (good luck to me). I figure this is what I need before starting my 2 pages of training assignment. Yeah, haven't done that yet and the deadline is coming closer. Typical of me!! Since I'm not at work today, I had to cancel two interview appointments I've made earlier in order to do the write up. Oh well..

My left skull is still throbbing...

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