Sunday, November 18, 2007

To sweat again

After 1 month of hiatus, I finally picked up my running shoes and went jogging again this morning. Well, more like walking actually. I tried not to shock my over pampered body especially after all the good food during the Eid holidays. There were times where I skipped my weekend jog especially if our family had to go back to our hometown. And when I start the routine again the following weekend both my legs would ached so badly that I often seen limping at work.
When I took the stairs to reach my office on the first floor, even if the heels were only an inch and half but the pain…ooh …But endure it I can bcos I know I had done my body a favor by exercising.
I had abandoned taking the elevator since my office was moved from the ground floor to the first floor two years ago. Now it had become a norm, taking the stairs. Unless of cos’ if I need to go to the 3rd floor which I always love to avoid. Even rushing to the loo every time the ones on our floor are fully occupied and the queue is longer than entering Zouk on Ladies night out…I still prefer the stairs.
For my sake, I hope my legs will not ache too much this time around. Now where is that tube of Counter Pain?

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