Saturday, February 23, 2008

to jog, drink coffee and be merry

I went jogging again this morning. And I plan to do so again tomorrow. Needless to say, I’m sure gonna feel the leg or body ache come Monday morning after such long hiatus from any exercise. It was a good feeling to be able to smell the sweet not so strong fragrant of some small flowers that blooming on the big trees at the early hours of the day. All the long meetings for the pass 3 days has taken its toll on my body. I didnt realized that I had 3 cups of coffee on Thursday and another large Starbuck's cup at night to satisfy my craving only to be awoke at 0500 and cannot go back to sleep. Three trips to loo later, I managed to drag myself to office and keep reminding myself not to take coffee, at least for the day.

A friend who just moved closer to my house came by at 0700hr so we jogged to the park together. She had warned me NOT to lure her into having breakfast together after our exercise ... bcos she knows about my love affair with food (especially breakfast on weekends). When I asked her about hers, she told me freshly squeezed fruit juice (either apple or guava add with banana) and maybe a bit of cereal and sometimes the juice will also be her menu for dinner. My eyes almost popped out of its sockets!!! She told me this when both of us were having lunch yesterday at a newly found food joint near our office. I was having mee rebus (noodle) and she some 'rojak mamak' which at the end was finished by me. She only ate total of 4 spoonfuls maybe.

Anyways, I'm so happy to feel sweat again on my face today. I pray that god give me the courage and strength to this again tomorrow.

As for breakfast afterwards, I'm having fried macaroni with beef ...^__^ lol


Kerry Droll said...

I know how you feel - I just started working out again too - owie. Thank you for the nice comment - I do feel better. I enjoy your blog very much as well. Stay strong and have a great one!!

GMG said...

Hi Leo, here I am trying to recapture your last posts on my weekly visit; but jogging at 7:00 a.m., no thanks! And at 7:00 p.m., no thanks either...
Sitting in front of the computer, Im still strolling around in Sofia at Blogtrotter.
Have a great weekend!

leo said...

kerry - it is a good feeling isnt it? to sweat it out. yes, i shall be strong!! and resist the temptation to stay in bed :p hv a good week ahead

gil - don't tempt me ;P - u hv a good week ahead ok