Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Breakfast at the beach

My family returned from our short vacation to our hometown yesterday night. I slept thruout the journey and poor hubby drived all the way. I didnt do much of anything during this short break especially 2 days towards the end at my parents place. On Monday it rained the whole day starting from 03:00am and lasted till 4:00pm in the afternoon. So all I did was read my book, watch the Olympics and sleep. On Tuesday our last day, the boys were pestering us to take them to the Kuala Senangin beach at my parents place so we decided to have breakfast there. So I packed the food plus we stopped at one of these very small shop or gerai known in Malay to buy more home cooked food and off we went. Kuala Senangin at present is still very much a sleepy fisherman beach. Being a weekday, we had the beach almost entirely to ourselves. The boys had so much fun. At first, we dont allow them to swim, just play with the sand but they somehow get themselves wet and at the end -why bother saying no?!?

After 4 lazy days I had to drag myself to go to work today :-(

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

Oh, that sounds so fantastic. There's no place private to go where I live. I'm glad you had a nice day.