Sunday, March 28, 2010


Our computer modem is kaput. Apparently it was struck by lighting few days ago. I didn't realize bcos I kept accessing my favourite sites via my iPhone. Anyways, that's what Im trying to do now. Updating my blog thru my mobile phone. I don't know how to paste the video that I want to upload here so until the modem is fix, Im stuck with this ugly mode or no updating at all. Sigh.
Hubby was going to take his own sweet time in doing something about the problem of having no internet access at home until I pointed out that it's going to be a hassle to pay our bills since we are so use of paying it online. Well, that got him going.
I dont think Im creative enough ~ IT wise to figure out how to manipulate my phone so I guess blog updating will have to wait.
Till then ...

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

I recently went over 24 hours with no computer access and it made me nuts LOL! Once you realize just how much you use it and you don't have it you really miss it.