Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Paranoia by Joseph Finder

I kept closing the pages which I'm reading. Why? Bcos I couldnt stand the suspense. I'm such a coward in this, mainly bcos I felt too much for the main character Adam Cassidy. He's like an unwilling spy and I couldnt bear if anything bad would happen to him (he managed to avoid most of it, actually) so much so that I cheated. Yes, after gasping for air and debating for a mili second on whether to go on or not I decided to skip the suspense page and read the page after. When the story continues and I'm convinced that he survived the sticky situation ie. a collegue/security guard saw him enter an off limit room, he accidentally triggered an alarm when he was snooping around, he said the wrong thing during a high profile meeting which can really ruin his under cover etc., I then returned back to the previous page and reread. I know, I know ... I sound like I have several loose screws on the head LOL.
This is a story about corporate espionage with a major twist at the end. But I must confess that I dont like the ending to the character. It's almost like there is no closure for him. At the end I felt like ... so? and thoughts like that's IT??? Apart from that, I enjoyed the book. Looking forward for another spy story.

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