Sunday, August 12, 2007

Oh grey hair, how shall I count thee?

I went to have my hair cut yesterday. Mei the senior stylist who cut my hair the last time is no longer working there. I never have long relationship wt hair stylist. The good ones especially. They usually transfer to somewhere else and no longer working at the same saloon, the next time around when I come to have my haircut.

Anyways, my new haircut which I don’t entirely fancy revealed more than I want. My grey hairs. It’s like everywhere. Especially the middle parting. Shining, silver white hairs screaming for attention ‘look at me! look at me’. I was so embarrassed with Sam the one who cut my hair. But he didn’t make any comments. If he has, it will be easier for me to laugh about it. But he didn’t.

My boyz were over excited to see so many on my head but I told them don’t bother plucking it bcos after they have done, I probably don’t have any strand of hair left on me!!! Which I think strike a cord to them bcos they suddenly threw each other a ‘o my god’ look. What if mama goes bald?

My initial thot was to just leave it be, but it looks so ugly…Guess I have to pay a visit to one of the pharmacy to get a DIY haircolor soon. Sigh!

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