Sunday, December 2, 2007

Rain on me

This event happened a few weekends ago. Believe it or not but I'm a fan of Rain (yeah at this age!!). There you go, my confession - I'm out of the closet. Ha! Ha! My other blog, which was created much earlier compare to this current blog can testify to that! But to be honest, nowadays I already toned down and more calmer. More or less come to my senses and behaving like a normal fan and not a fanatic anymore. Much to the relieve of my colleagues and people around me.
Anyways, the said party was to celebrate Rain Msia (MJJH) 2nd birthday. And I'm happy to share that I'm not alone (even at this age) to be crazy over Rain. We are like one big happy family there in MJJH. We intially met in the internet forum and the young girls actually help me to navigate my way around the 'net' world. So I learned and we bonded. Thru Rain Msia, we had many small gatherings like this one.

Sarangheyo Rain ^__^


GMG said...

Must be out of this world... First time I've read something about the subject; are we talking about a certain Mr. Jung Ji-hoon?...
Sorry! :((

leo said...

Gil- nothing to be sorry about. It would be quite normal if you dont know anything about him. But now you've raised my curiosity. How did you know his real name?