Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I can't sleep

It’s 4 o’clock in the morning and I can’t sleep.

The stress of making sure the training I’m organizing and attending at the same time is finally taken its toll. For the past 2 days, I’ve done nothing else but scrutinizing our scheduling software with the consultant from London searching for solutions and cleaning up messes in the data management. Everything must be completed or at least I must get the know–how by Friday (bcos that’s the last day she’ll be here). And I have this sickening feeling that time is not on our side. On top of that, I still have to go thru all these work related emails and the last time I checked there were about 179 still un-cleared in my inbox.

I reached home from work at 8:30pm just now. Fell asleep at 10:15pm and at about 0320am was wide awake. No amount of make believe dream can lure me back to sleep. I usually try to think of something good to dream about before I fall asleep, not that it help me to dream a good dream bcos I hardly do nor fall asleep for that matter but it’s just something which I normally do. Am I making any sense here? Excuse me but I guess this is what happen when insomnia kicks in (I think). So that is when I decided to go into the ‘net’ instead. Alas, my internet connection is down (just my luck *sigh*).
Oh well, I’m writing this in Microsoft Word to be paste in the blog later. Meaning this can only be posted tonight.

Maybe this is all but a dream or worse … I could be sleep walking!!! Ha! Ha!
Okay I’m gonna try the internet connection again and sleep trying.
For everybody else out there (depending where you are on the globe)... have a good night sleep and rest.


Anonymous said...

179 mails and 320am?? OMG!!
i hope u can get over that insomnia, leo-chan :O
i dont have enough sleep everyday and dead tired too.
please drink something warm and take care.
good luck on ur work and net connection!!

leo said...

niki dear - TQ for the well wish, i slept like a log last nite lol but net connection is still poor.