Sunday, December 2, 2007

another work excuse

I'm so out of touch with blogging. Can hardly allocate time to do so. In addition, the network was down since yesterday, so there was nothing much I could do.

I really miss blogging. Usually I blog at night on weekdays. But for the past few days I was so tired that I felt asleep just after 10pm. There was one time, I felt asleep while my boys were still jumping on the same bed next to me.

Starting tomorrow, I'll be involve in a 5 days training which I have been organising since 4 months ago. After that, hopefully my work pace will slow down a bit.

I feel bad for the boys bcos it is school holiday and we don't actually have a plan to go for any holiday. I still have 15 days of leave still due for the year. I can only carry forward 5 days to 2008, meaning I have another 10 days to kill or it will be waste. I don't consider myself a workaholic but there are just too many stuffs to be settle. Okay, I'll stop whinning now!

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