Monday, December 3, 2007

This Guy's In Love with You -Herb Alpert

I heard this song when visiting sophie's blog . brings back childhood memory when my uncle use to play Herb Alpert at his house. Thou back then, I was too young to know who he was. But how I adore this one. It's the kinda of song which I like to hear on rainy weekend morning, while sipping tea or coffee for that matter. *sigh* Heaven!

I also found a modern remake of it which I will post later to compare. But until then, hope you enjoy this one.
It is still 4 days away from weekend...


Anonymous said...

awww i love this song toooo!!
u are picking up really lovely excellent songs :)
thanks a lottt!!

leo said...

niki-lovely isnt it? TQ for the compliment. Oh we have the same taste in songs ^_^