Friday, December 14, 2007

The Party

Last Monday nite, my office division had a staff appreciation party...yes you read me right party on Monday night. These pictures were taken from my 2.0 megapix handphone camera hence the blurness. Sorreeyy!!!
It was a night full of laughter, fun, music and goodies to be won. The party was to celebrate our 10 awards sweep at the last PPFM Oscar Night. The party committee also created another 25 staffs awards to deserving staffs (just for fun)! Some of the quirky titles were Jurassic Park and Lost World Best Friend - these are the 2 smoking areas in my company. Two of my staffs were nominated and one won (is this good or bad?? lol); The Walking Google, Most Friendliest (my staff won this); Cafe's Best Friend, Most Sexiest Male/Female, Next CEO, Meanest Look, The Loudest, Most Quiet, The Invisible, Most Stressed & Calm, Office My Second Home, Craziest staff, Best Smile, Trendy Hairdo and etc. A trophy plus a RM50 voucher awaits every winner. In addition, 90 lucky draws were drawn that nite with prize range mainly on handphones, MP3 players, tv and others. I won a RM300 Jusco shopping voucher. Yesss!! I can go shooppingg...I can go shopping...

Since I don't drink I had the duty to chauffeur a colleague home after her fourth glass. But after several quick test she proved to me that she was still very sober. So I drove her back to the office where she took her own car back. I reached home at 1130pm only to realise that I forgot to bring the house key. After several futile attempts in calling my hubby's mobile (he was already asleep), my son came to the rescue when I called his mobile phone instead. Phew. Luckily I already took leave the next day.


Anonymous said...

awww that was a nightmare!
im amazed by those pics of hottie girls!!
wat is that babe?? wat a costume lol
is that u standing in the middle??
looks very pretty.

leo said...

niki- yeah some girls do really dress up that night. there was no theme. most of the staffs came straight from the office. some managed to change but i didnt. i was in the best smile nominee slide - and i lost to a guy :p!!