Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fridge magnet episode

Kak Long, my eldest sis-in law went to Cairo, Egypt and as usual when she goes anywhere she never forgets to get us the siblings (and me the out law :p) souvenirs. I said I wanted King Tut's fridge magnet. And this pharaohs one almost close to one. Isn't this cool? I like...Oooh I'm so happy to add it onto my 'fridge' collection:)
My youngest sis in law collects Star Buck's city mugs which display the city's name on it. Oh wow, it's the first time I've seen it. Kinda like the Hard Rock Cafe's t-shirt or merchandise. Quite expensive thou'. Anyways I'm very much contented with my magnet. Thanx K.Long.


Anonymous said...

woooow!! these are really cool collections :)
i also feel like buying fridge magnet!
how many do u have on ur fridge now??

leo said...

niki- i never actually counted them before but since you've asked i did, 72 :)

leo said...
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Anonymous said...

whooooooooooooa lol