Tuesday, October 23, 2007

One more fridge magnet

My eldest sister in law - Kak Long got this fridge magnet for me from her recent trip to Osaka. Isn't it cute?

This is my precious collection. Some I got it from mine or hubby trips abroad while some were souvenirs/bought by my friends or relatives. My collection is a far cry from my K. Long who has 3 refrigerators (2 at home and 1 at her office) which are extensively covered with magnets.


Anonymous said...

oh my!! they are sooo pretty and neatly organized!
ive never seen that Osaka one :)

leo said...

niki - im sure they have plenty more gorgeous ones fr japan which i intend to get IF i ever get the chance to go ^_^

Gerald (SK14) said...

I like fridge magnets too but buying an extra fridge to display them on is a bit OTT

leo said...

gerald- lol, i think so too but this is not the case here. it just so happen many of us here have more than 1 fridge at home. gives more reason to fill it with magnets :-) thanks for visiting me