Sunday, October 21, 2007


I went to meet up with a few of my old uni course mates last Friday night after work. About 9 people were in the mailing list but only four including me who made it. I admit it was a last minute arrangement made by Tryphena and me. Initially the get-together was planned only for the two of us, then we decided to include anybody else whom are in town last Friday night.

We suppose to meet up at 7:00pm and I was 1 hour late!! I only managed to leave the office at 6:50pm. Everyone already had one round of drinks while waiting for me. My excuse to them? I love to make grand entrance lol.
We had dinner at a Thai restaurant called Sri Ayutthaya. Everybody ordered one dish which we shared together. Tryphena ordered green curry, me - kerabu mango + water chestnut for dessert, Hui Cheng - plain & red seafood tomyam, Suresh - Thai steamed fish & fish cake.
The conversation went from family, kids, separation, work, TV channels to finally biological genome database (at great length), thanks to Suresh's explanation and us girls endless questionings.

Suresh and I last met about 2 years ago. Tryphena and me haven't met about 3 years and Hui Cheng is the longest - close to 8 years. This time we promised to meet up again as early as December this year.

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