Sunday, October 14, 2007

Aidil Fitri wishes to all

This will be my last entry before the long Eid holiday. I already took leave since last Wednesday to do the holiday luggage packing for the whole family. Yes, I need one long day to prepare. We’ll be spending the first 3 days with my family in Lumut and the next 3 days at my in-laws.

So after the 30 days of fasting, the major attraction of Eid celebration will be what else but food, glorious food especially the traditional ones where can only be found during the celebration. Althou some delicacies are already commercialize, but the still the feeling is different or shall I say more satisfying if it is eaten during Eid.

I shall bid farewell now. If it was left to me, you can’t tear me away from blogging but unfortunately where I’m going, the broadband service is quite poor, so don’t bother. I have a very thick book to keep me company (if I find the time). I shall return with hopefully tons of family both near and extended pictures to share.

So in view of the Eid spirit where one is encourage to seek and grant forgiveness, here’s maaf zahir batin (pardon me if I have offended anyone unintentionally - physically and emotionally). Gosh, translation can be very long winded sometimes.

Till then Happy hols!


Anonymous said...

happy eid mubarak!!
so bradband was okay? im glad u could have the time to blog, leo-chan :)
happy holidays!!

leo said...

niki- my hubby, bro-in law and me were hunting for free wi-fi during our trip to our hometown. it was very comical bcos we looked like tornado chaser in a car (looking for broadband signal with our laptops). we found one (closer to the house) at a newly opened indian/mamak cafe. phew!