Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Roast chicken for Abah's 69th Birthday

My dad celebrated his birthday last Oct 13. Being the last day of Ramadhan and since my family was back for the Eid celebration, my mother suggested we cook 'ayam panggang'(roast chicken) for my dad. I'm not so much of a cook unlike my mother but I helped her to prepare the ingredients, copied the recipe (as she was making it)- that usually please her very much bcos that means there's a hope of me cooking/tackling similar dish somewhere in the near future (she prays) ;) and at the same time snapping pictures ha! ha! Which I'm proud to say I'm very efficient of.

Needless to say the end product was delicious (as for all my mom's cooking as usual). It was an enjoyable 'raya' eve for all of us.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Abah-chan!!!
i wanna see more pics of him.
who is that handsome guy in the slide show? hubby? :P
the chicken looks super yummyyyy!

leo said...

niki - oh yes u will see more pics of my dad once i file all the eid celebration pics, where handsome guy?? oh that one he! he! that's my youngest bro. TQ for your lovely wishes

Sophie Honeysuckle said...

Glad your dad had a lovely day!!

leo said...

sophie- yes, he did and I'm glad my family n i were there this time around to celebrate it with him.

leo said...

nim- if u r reading this, i dont mean to get u saliving over my mom's 'ayam panggang' lol.. ok i'll write the recipe to a more readable format and send it to you ok? then u can change its name to Perth's roast chicken ^_^ love

Anonymous said...

is he single??? :P

leo said...

yes he is.. but what will happen to your new IT guy?? LOL :)))