Epiphany, yes sure whatever.
Thought I entitle this entry just that but I changed it. I went for a one day training on introduction to project management last Tuesday and there was where the word epiphany first cropped up. I don't really sure of the word but I let it passed bcos after the Q&A between a participant and the trainer, I sort of guess the meaning of it. I was reading Thursday at Eight and for the second time this week the word epiphany surfaced again. This must be the word of the week for me.
I like Thursday at Eight. It's about 4 women aged twenty to fifty something. Their triumph and despair, cheating spouse, dying ex-husband, unexpected pregnancy, rebellious teen children, know it all mother, perfect other sister, a younger suitor with a reputation and their weekly breakfast meeting on Thursday. Amongst all, my favourite is Liz (the fifty something) especially when she has a dashing younger pediatrician pursuing her and she couldn't care less (at first of cos'). There are like the Sex and the City gals minus the flashy fashion and sexiness.
And oh yeah, epiphany means an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure b: a revealing scene or moment (Merriam Webster Online Dictionary)
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