Saturday, September 27, 2008

A week long holiday

Its the starting of a week long holiday for me and family as we celebrate the approaching of Eid Ul Fitr(Aidil Fitri known locally) to mark the end of Ramadhan (fasting month). Although the official dates are not until Oct 1 but me and hubby took several leave days so our family get to 'balik kampong'-drive back to our hometowns. My children are ecstatic. They can hardly wait to meet up with their cousins, play their fire crackers, wear their newly bought baju melayu (traditional Malay male garments) and of cos collect duit raya (token sum of money) from extra generous elders (usually parents, relatives, grand parents and family friends).

Once I'm there it's quite hard to guess when I will be able to get access to the internet. But sometime me and my other fellow cannot-live-without-our-usual-dose-of-www partners in crime (usually my cool brother in-laws) will make our way to the nearest free wifi mamak stall and buy ourselves a cup of tea and sit there for hours to use the internet.

But if that doesnt happen, so this is sayonara for about a week. I see everyone maybe after Oct 4. Till then Maaf Zahir Batin (pardon my physical and emotional wrongdoings), take care and peace to everyone.


GMG said...

Hi Leo! Here I am to enjoy your lovely blog on my weekly visit!
And this week we have again some wonderful posts. Happy holiday!
84 magnets. You should show a picture of the fridge... ;))
Look forward to reading you at Blogtrotter, now back in Chania!
Have a great holiday!

Kerry Droll said...

Hi Leo, sorry I've been away for a couple of weeks. I'm taking this evening to catch up with everyone and it looks like you've been quite busy. I hope you're enjoying your holiday. I've never read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil but I loved the movie. Frank Sinatra was definitely one of a kind and no one could sing like him. You take care!!

GMG said...

Hi Leo! No news, good news?
Have a great weekend!
Blogtrotter, now waiting for your comments «Deep in Crete»!