Sunday, October 5, 2008

Eid Mubarak 08 -Maaf Zahir Batin

My family made it safely last night from our hometown back to our house in KL at wee hours of 0100am. As usual, the rest of the family were fast asleep except for hubby who drove all 3.5hrs long. The one week holiday is now at its end. But it was a good raya celebration for all of us. I think I didn't over eat during the raya. Hope I thought right lol. Tomorrow is work and school as usual. But Aidil Fitri celebration will continue for the whole month of Syawal (approx till end of Oct). So open house invitations are aplenty from relatives and friends.

Thank you to all who dropped by while I was away. Below is a video which was taken on the first day of raya at my in-laws place filled with nieces and nephews & brothers and sisters in law. It was a perfect family scene :-). Peace to all.

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